Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Shopping Daze
That’s the sound of me falling out of the blogosphere. Eventually, this will become a habit. If only a blog could give me a caffeine boost – then I’d be posting every morning like clockwork!
The holiday season has been on my mind lately, especially all the stresses that go along with it. Only 16 shopping days left – but is anyone shopping? Not me! Or I should say, very little. Partly because I’m one of those annoying people who have the bulk of their Christmas shopping done before Halloween each year. But also I’m making some of the gifts. (And still needing to carve out time to finish them – yikes!)
I took the pledge to buy handmade earlier this year and I’ve stuck to it very well. I have the most AWESOME themed gift for my kid brother – and I thought he would be the second most difficult to shop for. I’m tempted to tell more about it since he doesn’t read my blog. But I swear he has some kind of radar about this type of thing; he’s probably reading this right now… Anyway, his gift contains items from four different Etsy sellers, plus a small piece that I altered myself. And that’s all I’m telling for now.
However, I’m still stuck on a handmade item for my dad. I always find gift guides for dads to be baffling – they never include anything MY dad would want. Oh, wait, I take that back: there’s some BBQ sauce included in the Etsy Gift Guide for dads. But that’s one of my staple buys for Father’s Day… Yes, he is so hard to shop for, that my fall-back present is food. The real problem is that Dad is such an expert at his hobbies and interests that you need his direct input before buying anything. And where’s the fun in that? Dad may prove to be the handmade conundrum.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Etsy in Wonderland

Friday, October 3, 2008
Giveaway Going On Now!
Good luck!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Giveaway Alert!
Kim's blog is a great one to follow, with lots of giveaways and reviews of great indie finds on the net.
(Fyi, September boxes are on sale right now!)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
An Etsy Treasury

Thank you, VampVintage, for including me!
(Update: Unfortunately, Etsy treasuries only last a few days, so the one above has already expired. But you can browse other treasuries here.)
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm in the box!
That's right, I'm in The Little Black Box for September! Okay, not me personally, but my samples are! I contributed 50 buttons (each with a valuable coupon for my Etsy store and a mini moo card) of vintage images - these buttons will be feautured in the next issue of MATERIAL zine that will be coming out around the end of the year, so it's a bit of a preview.
The Little Black Box goes on sale this Friday (9/26)! Mark your calendars, because each month the boxes typically sell out within a week of the sale date. And the line-up for the September box is looking good!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I got backgrounds
If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, you should check out American Harvest on Main Street in downtown Pleasanton. This was an amazing find during the Bella Galleria walk on Friday, August 22. They have a wonderful selection of vintage finds, jewelry, art, etc. I want to drop by again when they're not bursting at the seams with Convenzione attendees (we all had $10 gift certicates burning a hole in our wallets)! I could easily spend hours exploring that shop.
On Friday, I also got my copy of the ZNE Zaftig chunky book, pictured below.

And here's my page:
Saturday was an all-day workshop. I enrolled in Chrysti Hydeck's class, Baby Got Back(grounds). It was an intense, technique-oriented class on painting fabulous distressed looking backgrounds and it was the best part of the whole weekend. If you ever have the chance to take a class with Chrysti, I highly recommend it. She's a fun, enthusiastic teacher with TONS of ideas and the techniques she taught us were just amazing. I was pretty quiet that day, focused on absorbing as much as possible and trying to slap down as much paint as possible, too! Many times I wanted to snap some photos, but my hands always had paint on them! (Now I know to bring a disposable camera next time, that I won't mind getting dirty.) Michele Beschen was also in this class, but I didn't get a chance to really talk to her until the following day at the vendor fair. She's so nice and I just got an email from her that I won one of her DVDs in a drawing! Yay!
By the end of the day, I had the beginnings of an art journal (all the pages have paint - woo hoo!):
Chrysti taught us how to do gel medium transfers in less than two minutes! And look how well they turn out:
I also started about five canvases. This is the first one, it's all about texture:

Here's a detail of the fleur de lis from the second canvas. The camera flash washed out the colors quite a bit. The background is crimson and the fleur de lis is copper. But you can see the distressing and crackling in the fleur de lis quite well:
And on Sunday, there was shopping at the vendor fair! Thank goodness! I needed some shopping therapy to regain my strength. Once again, I had my camera with me, yet forgot to take pictures! What a sight it was - every spare inch of the Veteran's Building was filled with tables of artsy goodness! I spent too much money (which I knew I would do). I'll have to lay it all out and snap some photos; it'll be like a mini vendor fair. That'll be my next post.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
In a scramble for ZNE Convenzione
1. Get art supplies together and get last-minute items (e.g., wash apron, buy plastic stencils and baby wipes, and look for white lace, buttons, and clip art) - finished tonight!
2. Make charms in case anyone wants to swap charms - done! (except I might make a few more ... if there's time)
3. Make goody bags in case anyone wants to swap goodies - done!
4. Make ATCs in case anyone wants to swap ATCs - just getting started (gulp!)
5. Collect maps, instructions, sign-ups, lists, anything I can think of, so I don't forget or get lost - done!
That's all for now; I'm a slave to the ATCs for the rest of the evening!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
My First YouTube Appearance - Sort of
Thursday, August 14, 2008
An Etsy Favorite

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Little Black Box Arrives
Kimberlee Keane, who runs The Little Black Box, is very helpful and friendly. I contacted her before I made my purchase, because I have environmental allergies and I was concerned about scented products possibly being included. This is both bad for me (achoo!) and bad for the businesses, since their items would be wasted on me. Kimberlee came up with a solution and I got a scent-free box. (Hooray!) So even though I ordered a July box, a few items that were meant for the August box may appear in my pictures. July boxes are already sold out, but August boxes go on sale August 22nd.
Hmm, what's in the bag?

1. Hand-dyed silk scarf by Made With Loving Hands.
2. Fabric covered mirror by Promos in a Snap.
3. Stone earrings by jaC Jewelry. (My photo doesn't do them justice - very lovely in person.)
4. Pretzel earrings by Amazon Creations.
5. A small jar of "Fray" eye shadow by Mixology.
6. Glass pendant by Designs by Tami. This pendant was hard to photograph and is very pretty in person.
7. Car hair pin by Always Amy. That's the reverse side of her business card next to the pin - isn't it awesome?
8. Print by 3 Lambs Design. I've already found the perfect spot to hang this.
9. Earrings by Starrlight Jewelry. Once again, lovely pair of earrings, but I obviously don't have a career in jewelry photography.

11. Bookmark by A Muted Pallette - Diana Crites Gallery.
12. "Bite Me" recipe card (LOL) by Terri Taylor Design. I particularly like the "That's not PMS. I'm just evil" greeting cards in her shop.
13. Two linen greeting cards by five dot design. Very generous to include two cards! What you can't tell from the photo is the wonderful texture and weight to the cards.
All in all, a really good haul! Goodies for me, a few Christmas presents, and a lot of cool shops to check out. And I've already signed up to contribute to The Little Black Box in September and November. More on that later...
Wonderland charms

The White Rabbit (he looks a little psychotic here):
The White Rabbit:

The last three are all Queen of Hearts:

What happened to July?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Confessions of a Kawaii Addict
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Kawaii Zines
Here are the 11 kawaii zines:
Five have covers constructed from Nyan Nyan Nyanko gift bags:
And six have covers constructed from Rilakkuma gift bags:
Here’s a preview of inside one of the zines:
These are only a few of the stickers that are going into these zines, one way or another:
I’m currently embellishing the pages with stickers. Then I’ll be stuffing stickers and mini memo sheets into the envelopes that are bound into each zine, stuffing more goodies into the back covers (they were originally gift bags after all), and lastly decorate the front covers. Phew. I better get busy.